The BSK finals (coverage by Kalle Nord)
Kalle Nord wrote this detailed account of the BSK 2012 finals, complete with turn-by-turn actions and lots of pictures. Enjoy!

After BSK in November, where we ran out of time to play the final, we have been puzzling hard to find a final date when we both could play (we live in different cities). Finally something happened, and at Saturday the 15th this month, Elof came over to my place to battle it out!
My first intention was to film the entire final, but some things just don't add up as you want. Instead I had to film the entire thing with a crappy web cam, which I then could backtrack as notes when I would write the report. But the camera is not the only thing crappy with my computer, so the recording stopped 2 minutes into the second duel, creating a small gap in the match.
Trying to do a report in this way is not anything I would recommend, it takes fucking ages! The recordings were blurry, small, mirror reversed and overall hard to decipher. I constantly had to double check with the photos we took to get it right. Therefore, it may contain some small errors and for an example, during the third duel; I got no information about the endless amounts of cards discarded to scepters.
Except for the fact that we are talking about the best kind of Magic, I wasn't very stoked to play the final. I was quite bored with my deck, didn't liked my sideboard plan vs control (I never playtest before tournaments) and overall tired of grinding control, especially vs a good player like Elof.

Elof, the methodical control player.

Classic theDeck in our meta, note Balance in the SB(!)

Me; Kalle, the casual wildcard.

My Prison-theDeck, relies more on fluke then skills. The covered card is my Giant Shark with a list of people I need to sign it :)
Duell 1.
Me (mull): Mox Pearl, Mana Drain, Balance, Library of Alexandria, Winter Orb, Howling Mine
Elof (mull): Volcanic Island, Mana Drain, Underground Sea, Disrupting Scepter, Tundra, Time Walk
1.K: Library of Alexandria, Mox Pearl, Balance. My land goes, Elof discards Volcanic Island, Disrupting Scepter and Time Walk.
2.E: Tundra
3.K: pass
4.E: Underground Sea
5.K: pass (Elof Ancestral Recall)

6.E: pass
7.K: pass
8.E: pass
9.K: Underground Sea
10.E: pass. Discards a card
11.K: pass
12.E: Mishra's Factory.
13.K: Time Walk
14.K: Tundra, Fellwar Stone, Elof Mana Drains.
15.E: Demonic Tutor, Library of Alexandria (6 cards in hand). Beats 2 with Mishra's Factory.
16.K: Winter Orb.
17.E: Draws with Library of Alexandria. Mox Jet.
18.K: Mishra's Factory. Relic Barrier. Elof Disenchants Winter Orb, I Mana Drain.
19.E: (Taps Mox Jet with Relic Barrier)
20.K: Tundra, Howling Mine. Elof Disenchants Winter Orb.

21.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Draws with Library of Alexandria. Volcanic Island.
22.K: Draws with Howling Mine. Chaos Orb, Elof Mana Drains. Maze of Ith.
23.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Draws with Library of Alexandria. Mishra's Factory, Jaymdae Tome.
24.K: Draws with Howling Mine. Mox Jet. (Draws with Jayemdae Tome)
25.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Fellwar Stone. Draws with Library of Alexandria. Tundra.

26.K: Draws with Howling Mine. Volcanic Island, Demonic Tutor, Elof Counterspells. Icy Manipulator. (Draws with Jaymdae Tome)
27.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Draws with Library of Alexandria. Recall, discards 3 Swords to Plowshares, returns Ancestral Recall, Time Walk and Disenchant. Time Walk.
28.E: Draws with Library of Alexandria. Mox Pearl, Disenchants Howling Mine. (Icy Manipulator / Draws with Jaymdae Tome)
29.K: Howling Mine, Elof Counterspells. Disenchants Jayemdae Tome. Beats 2 with Mishra's Factory.
30.E: Draws with Library of Alexandria. Disrupting Scepter. Uses Disrupting Scepter, I discard Fireball.

31.K: Howling Mine. Attacks with Mishra's Factory, Elof Lightning Bolts.
32.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Draws with Library of Alexandria. Ancestral Recall, Tundra, Fellwar Stone. Uses Disrupting Scepter, I Lightning Bolt Elof (15), discard none.
33,K: Draws with Howling Mine. Disenchants Disrupting Scepter. Strip Mine, destroys Library of Alexandria.
34.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Jayemdae Tome. Draws with Jayemdae Tome.
35.K: Draws with Howling Mine. Volcanic Island.

36.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Mishra's Factory. Draws with Jayemdae Tome.
37.K: Draws with Howling Mine. City of Brass.
38.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Mishra's Factory. 3 Mishra's Factory attacks for 4 damage (Icy Manipulator and Maze of Ith)(14).
39.K: Draws with Howling Mine. Regrowth Balance(1 City of Brass damage), Balance, Elof Counterspells. Mind Twist X=4, Elof Mana Drains,
40.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Draws with Jayemdae Tome. 4 Mishra's Factory attacks for 7 damage (Maze of Ith)(14).

41.K: Draws with Howling Mine.
42.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) 4 Mishra's Factory attacks for 5 damage (Icy Manipulator and Maze of Ith)(0).
The last rounds of the duell is a long (and quite embarassing) series of dumb play choices by me, even ending the game with playable cards in hand! Hardly no sleep and skipping breakfast in favor for early drinking might not have been the best of choices.
My sideboarding for the second and third duell was the same:
-1 Chaos Orb -2 Howling Mine -1 Mishra's Workshop -1 Mirror Universe -1 Fireball
+3 Red Elemental Blast +1 Disenchant +1 Disrupting Scepter +1 Dust to Dust
Chaos Orb is tricky when you're not warmed up and had a couple of beers, so it goes. Keeping Maze of Ith in and not Fireball was just wrong.
Duell 2.
The second duell was the shortest of them all, just under 20 played rounds.
I start off with land, Mox Jet, Fellwar Stone and Elof answers with Mishra's Factory and Sol Ring (after a double mulligan). My second turn Relic Barrier stops his Sol Ring and another one shuts down a Mox Ruby. My Mishra eats Strip Mine, I Disenchant his Sol Ring and he Mana Drains both a Howling Mine and an Icy Manipulator. Then I draw Ancestral Recall, netting me double Mishra's Factory. They start beating past his blockers (thanks to 2x Relic Barrier) and paired with some City of Brass activations from his side keeps him within bolt-range.

Duell 3.
Me: City of Brass, Mind Twist, Time Walk, Howling Mine, Disrupting Scepter, Library of Alexandria, City of Brass
Elof: Strip Mine, Mana Drain, Counterspell, Sol Ring, Mox Pearl, Ancestral Recall, Underground Sea
1.E: Underground Sea, Ancestral Recall, Mox Pearl, Sol Ring, Fellwar Stone.
2.K: Library of Alexandria.
3:E: Strip Mine, Strip Mines Library of Alexandria (I draw a card).
4.K: Mishra's Factory, Mox Sapphire, Time Walk.
5.K: Mox Jet, City of Brass.

6.E: City of Brass.
7.K: City of Brass, Disrupting Scepter, Elof Counterspells, I Mana Drain back. He Divine Offerings Disrupting Scepter.
8.E: Mishra's Factory.
9.K: Mind Twist x=3, Elof Counterspells, I Mana Drain back, he discards 2x Mana Drain (empty hand).
10.E: Mind Twist x=2, I discard Howling Mine and Dust to Dust (empty hand). Mishra's Factory beats 2. (Elof at 23, me at 14 due to 2x City of Brass)

11.K: pass
12.E: pass
13.K: Mishra's Factory. Beats 3 with Mishra's Factory.
14.E: Beats 2 with Mishra's Factory.
15.K: Attacks with 2x Mishra's Factory, he Disenchants one.
16.E: Beats 2 with Mishra's Factory.
17.K: Recall X=1, he Counterspells.
18.E: Beats 2 with Mishra's Factory (me at 8)
19.K: Mishra's Factory.
20.E: Pass.

21.K: Icy Manipulator.
22.E: Recall X=2, discards two unknown cards, returns Ancestral Recall and Divine Offering. Ancestral Recall, City of Brass.
23.K: Howling Mine.
24.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Icy Manipulator) Disrupting Scepter. Uses Disrupting Scepter, I discard unknown (empty hand). Divine Offering destroys Icy Manipulator.
25.K: Draws with Howling Mine. Ancestral Recall, he Counterspells. Strip Mine; destroys Mishra's Factory. Beats 4 with Mishra's Factorys (he's at 16) .

26.E: Draws with Howling Mine. Disenchants Howling Mine.
27.K: Attacks with 2 Mishra's Factory, one gets Disenchant. Tundra.
28.E: Pass.
29.K: Volcanic Island,
30E: Tundra.
31.K: Fellwar Stone.
32.E: Pass.
33.K: Copy Artifact (Disrupting Scepter). Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown.
34.E: Pass.
35.K: Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown.
36.E: Jayemdae Tome, I Mana Drain.
37.K: Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown.
38.E: Uses Disrupting Scepter, I Disenchant Disrupting Scepter (empty hand).
39.K: Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown.
40.E: Pass.
41.K: Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown.
42.E: Jaymdae Tome.
43.K: Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown. Volcanic Island.
44.E: Draws with Jayemdae Tome. Beats 2 with Mishra's Factory. Uses Disrupting Scepter, I Lightning Bolt him (he's at 9).
45.K: Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown.
46.E: Uses Disrupting Scepter, I Lightning Bolt him. Beats 2 with Mishra's Factory (He's at 6, me at 4)
47.K: Regrowth (Ancestral Recall), Ancestral Recall, Maze of Ith.
48.E: Draws with Jayemdae Tome. Uses Disrupting Scepter, I discard unknown.
49.K: Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown.
50.E: Draws with Jayemdae Tome. Uses Disrupting Scepter, I discard unknown.

51.K: Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown.
52.E: Demonic Tutor, Fireball X=4.
And Elof wins the trophy!

After the final, some of us also played out "Gråberget Champs II". I wanted to include that report here too, but time ran out, so you have to wait a while.
Thanks for reading.
After BSK in November, where we ran out of time to play the final, we have been puzzling hard to find a final date when we both could play (we live in different cities). Finally something happened, and at Saturday the 15th this month, Elof came over to my place to battle it out!
My first intention was to film the entire final, but some things just don't add up as you want. Instead I had to film the entire thing with a crappy web cam, which I then could backtrack as notes when I would write the report. But the camera is not the only thing crappy with my computer, so the recording stopped 2 minutes into the second duel, creating a small gap in the match.
Trying to do a report in this way is not anything I would recommend, it takes fucking ages! The recordings were blurry, small, mirror reversed and overall hard to decipher. I constantly had to double check with the photos we took to get it right. Therefore, it may contain some small errors and for an example, during the third duel; I got no information about the endless amounts of cards discarded to scepters.
Except for the fact that we are talking about the best kind of Magic, I wasn't very stoked to play the final. I was quite bored with my deck, didn't liked my sideboard plan vs control (I never playtest before tournaments) and overall tired of grinding control, especially vs a good player like Elof.
Elof, the methodical control player.
Classic theDeck in our meta, note Balance in the SB(!)
Me; Kalle, the casual wildcard.
My Prison-theDeck, relies more on fluke then skills. The covered card is my Giant Shark with a list of people I need to sign it :)
Duell 1.
Me (mull): Mox Pearl, Mana Drain, Balance, Library of Alexandria, Winter Orb, Howling Mine
Elof (mull): Volcanic Island, Mana Drain, Underground Sea, Disrupting Scepter, Tundra, Time Walk
1.K: Library of Alexandria, Mox Pearl, Balance. My land goes, Elof discards Volcanic Island, Disrupting Scepter and Time Walk.
2.E: Tundra
3.K: pass
4.E: Underground Sea
5.K: pass (Elof Ancestral Recall)
6.E: pass
7.K: pass
8.E: pass
9.K: Underground Sea
10.E: pass. Discards a card
11.K: pass
12.E: Mishra's Factory.
13.K: Time Walk
14.K: Tundra, Fellwar Stone, Elof Mana Drains.
15.E: Demonic Tutor, Library of Alexandria (6 cards in hand). Beats 2 with Mishra's Factory.
16.K: Winter Orb.
17.E: Draws with Library of Alexandria. Mox Jet.
18.K: Mishra's Factory. Relic Barrier. Elof Disenchants Winter Orb, I Mana Drain.
19.E: (Taps Mox Jet with Relic Barrier)
20.K: Tundra, Howling Mine. Elof Disenchants Winter Orb.
21.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Draws with Library of Alexandria. Volcanic Island.
22.K: Draws with Howling Mine. Chaos Orb, Elof Mana Drains. Maze of Ith.
23.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Draws with Library of Alexandria. Mishra's Factory, Jaymdae Tome.
24.K: Draws with Howling Mine. Mox Jet. (Draws with Jayemdae Tome)
25.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Fellwar Stone. Draws with Library of Alexandria. Tundra.
26.K: Draws with Howling Mine. Volcanic Island, Demonic Tutor, Elof Counterspells. Icy Manipulator. (Draws with Jaymdae Tome)
27.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Draws with Library of Alexandria. Recall, discards 3 Swords to Plowshares, returns Ancestral Recall, Time Walk and Disenchant. Time Walk.
28.E: Draws with Library of Alexandria. Mox Pearl, Disenchants Howling Mine. (Icy Manipulator / Draws with Jaymdae Tome)
29.K: Howling Mine, Elof Counterspells. Disenchants Jayemdae Tome. Beats 2 with Mishra's Factory.
30.E: Draws with Library of Alexandria. Disrupting Scepter. Uses Disrupting Scepter, I discard Fireball.
31.K: Howling Mine. Attacks with Mishra's Factory, Elof Lightning Bolts.
32.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Draws with Library of Alexandria. Ancestral Recall, Tundra, Fellwar Stone. Uses Disrupting Scepter, I Lightning Bolt Elof (15), discard none.
33,K: Draws with Howling Mine. Disenchants Disrupting Scepter. Strip Mine, destroys Library of Alexandria.
34.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Jayemdae Tome. Draws with Jayemdae Tome.
35.K: Draws with Howling Mine. Volcanic Island.
36.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Mishra's Factory. Draws with Jayemdae Tome.
37.K: Draws with Howling Mine. City of Brass.
38.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Mishra's Factory. 3 Mishra's Factory attacks for 4 damage (Icy Manipulator and Maze of Ith)(14).
39.K: Draws with Howling Mine. Regrowth Balance(1 City of Brass damage), Balance, Elof Counterspells. Mind Twist X=4, Elof Mana Drains,
40.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) Draws with Jayemdae Tome. 4 Mishra's Factory attacks for 7 damage (Maze of Ith)(14).
41.K: Draws with Howling Mine.
42.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Relic Barrier) 4 Mishra's Factory attacks for 5 damage (Icy Manipulator and Maze of Ith)(0).
The last rounds of the duell is a long (and quite embarassing) series of dumb play choices by me, even ending the game with playable cards in hand! Hardly no sleep and skipping breakfast in favor for early drinking might not have been the best of choices.
My sideboarding for the second and third duell was the same:
-1 Chaos Orb -2 Howling Mine -1 Mishra's Workshop -1 Mirror Universe -1 Fireball
+3 Red Elemental Blast +1 Disenchant +1 Disrupting Scepter +1 Dust to Dust
Chaos Orb is tricky when you're not warmed up and had a couple of beers, so it goes. Keeping Maze of Ith in and not Fireball was just wrong.
Duell 2.
The second duell was the shortest of them all, just under 20 played rounds.
I start off with land, Mox Jet, Fellwar Stone and Elof answers with Mishra's Factory and Sol Ring (after a double mulligan). My second turn Relic Barrier stops his Sol Ring and another one shuts down a Mox Ruby. My Mishra eats Strip Mine, I Disenchant his Sol Ring and he Mana Drains both a Howling Mine and an Icy Manipulator. Then I draw Ancestral Recall, netting me double Mishra's Factory. They start beating past his blockers (thanks to 2x Relic Barrier) and paired with some City of Brass activations from his side keeps him within bolt-range.
Duell 3.
Me: City of Brass, Mind Twist, Time Walk, Howling Mine, Disrupting Scepter, Library of Alexandria, City of Brass
Elof: Strip Mine, Mana Drain, Counterspell, Sol Ring, Mox Pearl, Ancestral Recall, Underground Sea
1.E: Underground Sea, Ancestral Recall, Mox Pearl, Sol Ring, Fellwar Stone.
2.K: Library of Alexandria.
3:E: Strip Mine, Strip Mines Library of Alexandria (I draw a card).
4.K: Mishra's Factory, Mox Sapphire, Time Walk.
5.K: Mox Jet, City of Brass.
6.E: City of Brass.
7.K: City of Brass, Disrupting Scepter, Elof Counterspells, I Mana Drain back. He Divine Offerings Disrupting Scepter.
8.E: Mishra's Factory.
9.K: Mind Twist x=3, Elof Counterspells, I Mana Drain back, he discards 2x Mana Drain (empty hand).
10.E: Mind Twist x=2, I discard Howling Mine and Dust to Dust (empty hand). Mishra's Factory beats 2. (Elof at 23, me at 14 due to 2x City of Brass)
11.K: pass
12.E: pass
13.K: Mishra's Factory. Beats 3 with Mishra's Factory.
14.E: Beats 2 with Mishra's Factory.
15.K: Attacks with 2x Mishra's Factory, he Disenchants one.
16.E: Beats 2 with Mishra's Factory.
17.K: Recall X=1, he Counterspells.
18.E: Beats 2 with Mishra's Factory (me at 8)
19.K: Mishra's Factory.
20.E: Pass.
21.K: Icy Manipulator.
22.E: Recall X=2, discards two unknown cards, returns Ancestral Recall and Divine Offering. Ancestral Recall, City of Brass.
23.K: Howling Mine.
24.E: (Taps Howling Mine with Icy Manipulator) Disrupting Scepter. Uses Disrupting Scepter, I discard unknown (empty hand). Divine Offering destroys Icy Manipulator.
25.K: Draws with Howling Mine. Ancestral Recall, he Counterspells. Strip Mine; destroys Mishra's Factory. Beats 4 with Mishra's Factorys (he's at 16) .
26.E: Draws with Howling Mine. Disenchants Howling Mine.
27.K: Attacks with 2 Mishra's Factory, one gets Disenchant. Tundra.
28.E: Pass.
29.K: Volcanic Island,
30E: Tundra.
31.K: Fellwar Stone.
32.E: Pass.
33.K: Copy Artifact (Disrupting Scepter). Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown.
34.E: Pass.
35.K: Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown.
36.E: Jayemdae Tome, I Mana Drain.
37.K: Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown.
38.E: Uses Disrupting Scepter, I Disenchant Disrupting Scepter (empty hand).
39.K: Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown.
40.E: Pass.
41.K: Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown.
42.E: Jaymdae Tome.
43.K: Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown. Volcanic Island.
44.E: Draws with Jayemdae Tome. Beats 2 with Mishra's Factory. Uses Disrupting Scepter, I Lightning Bolt him (he's at 9).
45.K: Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown.
46.E: Uses Disrupting Scepter, I Lightning Bolt him. Beats 2 with Mishra's Factory (He's at 6, me at 4)
47.K: Regrowth (Ancestral Recall), Ancestral Recall, Maze of Ith.
48.E: Draws with Jayemdae Tome. Uses Disrupting Scepter, I discard unknown.
49.K: Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown.
50.E: Draws with Jayemdae Tome. Uses Disrupting Scepter, I discard unknown.
51.K: Uses Disrupting Scepter, Elof discards unknown.
52.E: Demonic Tutor, Fireball X=4.
And Elof wins the trophy!
After the final, some of us also played out "Gråberget Champs II". I wanted to include that report here too, but time ran out, so you have to wait a while.
Thanks for reading.
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