Post lock-down post

197 days. That's a pretty long time without restaurants, pubs, or social gatherings of note. But now, just the other day, Oslo started to open up for social discourse. The news around here are already talking about 26th of May as a liberation day of sorts. Movement is afoot. As a small footnote in the book that is the lock-down, the closed border led to six months since my last proper #mailday. And it's not like I've stopped trading or doom-shopping cards, but rather that most all my stuff has been on the other side of the Swedish-Norwegian border. I frequently use my parents place in Sweden as shipping address rather than my home in Norway, as e.g. MKM doesn't really work outside of EU (and Norway isn't part of the EU). But I haven't been able to cross that border for close to sixteen months, and so a pretty substantial pile of random cards have been accumulated at my parents' house. This is not that mailday though. This mailday is rather all the oldschoo...