n00bfest 2023 – A tribute to the greatest and best tournament and travel report in the world (by Alex and Wander)

We shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads converged in a pub, and we— we took the ones less travelled by, And that has made all the difference. (after the poet Robert Frost) Preface We will soon give you, dear reader of this old school blog, a meaningful choice. Legends say, there once was a great report of n00bfest 2023, the mysterious event that marked the end of n00bcon, but also a new beginning. It was a travel report, full of adventures, hope and tragedy. In fact, it might have been the greatest tournament report ever written. But it never came to be. Memories of all participants almost instantly flowed away in an ocean of expensive beers and shots. People passed out. And now, months passed. We were there as well, but simply can’t remember all the parts. So the best we can do at this point is a tribute to that report. Nevertheless, it’s going to be one hell of a tribute. Where to start our story? When we talk about life as a...