Arvikarapport, by Olof Robertsson

Arvika. I could say a lot about Arvika. Though I guess I have . And the Giant Sharks. That alluding prize given out twice each year during the last decade; at n00bcon and somewhere else. Seven years at BSK, then three years at Scandinavian Championship, and starting next year at the World Championship at Winc0n in Genoa. A Shark has no monetary value. For most Magic players, it is a sad state of cardboard. Yet, in this community, we recognize it as the highest honor, as the top prize at the oldest annual gathering and the World Championship. Anyone who won a Shark is never to cut it from their deck. And anyone who has one can be expected to have a seat at any gathering in the format. Life made this the first Shark tournament in ten years I wasn't present at. So I have nothing of substance to write this time. But the winner - a hero from my original home town no less - took it upon his shoulders to step out of his comfort zone to deliver a proper report. Hats off to Olof Robert...