Rausch's tale: A story from Card and Board
Today I have the pleasure to share a report from the first old school tournament at Card and Board in Archbold, Ohio. Let's give the word to Nicholas Rausch. /Mg McIntosh: Hey Rausch? Me: What’s up? McIntosh: So Mishra’s Factory is the best unrestricted card in ‘94 right? Me: Debatable but yeah probably McIntosh: What happens if you Copy Artifact an animated Mishra’s Factory? Me:..uhm.. And that’s how it started. Well that’s not how it started. Let me rewind about a year. I've always been a cube enthusiast. My powered 720 cube has been an ongoing project for about 5 years running. New sets come out. New cards go in. Old cards go out. Old cards go out. That part hurts. I have fond memories of my foil Japanese Spiritmonger and my English Legends All Hallows Eve, and my Arabian Nights Serendib Djinn and Serendib Efreet. But, for the sake of ever increasing power level and making sure that new cards got their chance to be included, cuts had to be made. It was in di