Juzam, ponderings, and Bay Area old school

This is my mecca: It's been so many years since I first layed my eyes on Juzam. I've attempted to get one at least five times; the first time I really tried to trade for one was almost 15 years ago. In some way, I understand that the monetary value of my foiled Mind Sculptors are about the same as this dude, in all other ways they are miles apart. I feel kind of an awe towards Juzam, and that is nothing I can say about most of my cards. I bought my first yesterday. This is a hard format to get into, and an emotional way to play magic. As we grow, more ideas of what old school magic should be are voiced. How do we maintain rules while still maintain feeling? When can we break the 7-set rule, the ban/restricted list, or the idea of competition without eventually breaking the spirit of some of the players with different ideas of nostalgia, or with different goals of why they play? These are very hard questions, and after additional feedback from players it's something t...