Happy Holidays and some Legends

I don't really recall why I decided to do a spoiler on Christmas Eve. Might have been thinking that it would be fun to show Spirit of the Night today as a pun of sorts, forgot that The Dwarven Warriors would spoil that one along with Dwarven Miner, and then it just slipped my mind to update the schedule. Or something. Anyways, right now I'm smack dab in the middle of a snowy hinterland, far up north on the Norwegian countryside. So I actually wrote this a couple of days ago as to not have to sneak away from any festivities with the Norwegian side of the family. I guess there's a lot I could write about. The NOSMTG Brother's Highlander tournament, reactions to the spoiler season thus far, strange tech or ideas. But Christmas is knocking on the door, and time is of the essence. If you want some proper oldschool fix, I suggest re-reading the spoiler article from 52-Week Beta . It is simply fantastic and keeps on giving. So spoilers. I was supposed to spoil something t...