MtgForLife Ukraine Conclusion, by Viktor Peterson

Again it is my pleasure to give the word to Viktor "Oldschool" Peterson. /Mg out We reached the goal of €11,000! Today we close this successful fundraiser where we jointly collected €11 006 to the Ukrainian victims of the current war! Thank you all so much for your support, its heartwarming to see the kindness shown in this old school community for people in need. Unfortunately, the war rages on so I urge you to follow the news and help where you can. I will try and run a small onsite charity auction at n00bcon for a few cards we did not get high enough bids on here on the Facebook auction, if you want to donate a card to this - bring it to n00bcon. But as MG wrote on his previous post on the Old School Blog, we didn’t solve the conflict but at least we did something, and something is better than nothing! I also want to mention some extraordinary initiatives during this fundraiser, enjoy the reading and kindness shown below. Dutch Old School Guild First up we have the a...