New 93/94 groups seems to be popping up around the world. The
second old school tournament in Northern California will take place this weekend, the first article from Chicago was posted at Eternal Central last week, two weeks ago the first tournament in Scania took place at Playoteket, and I hear whispers from players in France. I thought about having a section on this page with e-mails to representatives of play groups (or people who just want to play) in the different cities in order to facilitate connecting the local communities. If you're looking for local players in your area, please send me an e-mail at with some basic info about where you play and if you use some local rules (e.g. different B/R list than the suggestion found here), and I'll try to compile a list :)
Today is about the Scania players though. Before this summer, 93/94 in Scania have mostly been represented by the player Axelsson. Axelsson have been travelling north to participate at BSK, n00bcon, Kingvitational and Warcon during the last year. It looks like he is starting to get some more local opponents now though. Niclas "Arkanon" Johansson arranged the first 93/94 tournament at Playoteket two weeks ago. He recently sent me some pictures from the event, and a short introduction of himself and old school magic in Scania:
I started playing around the release of Revised myself. I played quite a bit with the old cards, but thought Magic felt washed out after a while, and I eventually quit all together. An old friend recently got me to relapse into the game, but I found modern Magic fairly unexciting. I then got informed about the wonderful 93/94-format by Axelsson a year ago. I had bought 6 of the Powercards for peanuts a decade ago, but I never thought I would have a chance to use them like before again. But this is an awesome format! I fell for it immediately, and have recently obtained the full P9, a majority of the Unlimited duals, and a lot of the casual staple cards. Now we're trying to connect with the standard/legacy players who started around rev/4th and see if they want to give the format a try. The soul of old magic has awaken again, and many players have showed interest! We just recently started playing down here, and everything is still in its infancy, but we're at least 9-10 players at this point, and I think we'll be 10+ at the next tournament!
Eneas who won the tournament with his Crusade(WW) meets Kimmuz who plays a WG aggrodeck. |
Tobgoblin played UGB Control with Counters, Control Magic and flying heavy hitters like Mahamoti's. |
Quorthon playing RG-beatdown whith Erhnams and a Shivan Dragon against Tobgoblin. Both
are 93/94 Players from Ystad in Southern Sweden. |
.JPG) |
Who's the beatdown? |
Rednekk, another player from Ystad who plays a BR Underworld Dreams
deck, totally crushed Arkanon's Ivory Tower deck. Both decks had 4
Howling Mines... |
Liac who plays MonoBlack, has an interesting game against Mayie's RW bolt/aggro. Eventually Mayie won after 3 hard matches. |
Liac won this game against Mayie though, maybe not surprising... |
It looks like a really fun meta, and I hope I get the chance to play against these guys in the future! The two top performing decks have been posted in the
Decks-to-beat section for your viewing pleasure, one WW deck and one TaxEdgeGeddon. Wall of Putrid Flesh seems like a solid sideboard card :)
Nice nice nice 8) And congrats to Eneas!
SvaraRaderaTo bad I couldn't join you guys at Playoteket, I really wanted to try my new deck out.
Hey Axelsson, there will always be more time for magic later =)
SvaraRaderaToo bad you couldnt come. On the bright side though most of us newly embraced 93/94 players have started to rebuild decks for the format with some interesting new ideas!
Birds of Paradise(BIRD!), Air Elemental, and braingeyser at the sam side, i want decklist! :D // Jhovalking
SvaraRaderaI borrowed cards from Arkanon and crafted this deck. It felt very solid but in hindsight I would make some changes.
SvaraRaderaI "think" this is the list, not quite sure. ;)
But Arkanon has a picture of the deck if you really want to see it!
4x Birds of Paradise
2x Air Elemental
2x Mahamoti Djinn
1x Serendib Efreet
2x Fastbond
2x Paralyze
3x Control Magic
1x Animate Dead
1x Sylvan Library
1x Greed
1x Energy Flux
4x Counterspell
1x Mana Drain
4x Boomerang
1x Ancestral Recall
1x Timetwister
1x Regrowth
1x Recall
1x Braingeyser
2x Terror
1x Nevinyrral's Disk
1x Mana Vault
1x Sol Ring
1x Black Vise
1x Dark Heart of the Wood
4x Island
1x Forest
4x Bayou
3x Underground Sea
4x Tropical Island
1x Strip Mine
1x Mishra's Factory
1x Maze of Ith
4x Crumble
1x Energy Flux
3x Gloom
1x Control Magic
2x Terror
2x Hurkyl's Recall
2x Animate Dead
First I would remove all the pain from the deck. I really needed the life to tempo against the faster decks and I pretty much never got to use greed and the single serendib really became a liability.
Secondly I would remove the timetwister. More often then not I could not cast it due to going up against aggro or bolts and it would have killed me. Think I casted it once during the four matches.
Otherwise there would just be a few tweaks I would do to this deck. But by far the hardest thing to handle with it was amassed factories!
The deck went 3 wins then lost horrible in the fourth and last match against the landsedgegeddon deck.
Argh of course I had a demonic tutor in there and wasnt sure about the vise. So replace the Vise with a tutor ;)