The Plague: An invitation from Daniel Ewald

"Should you a Rat to madness tease Why ev'n a Rat may plague you..." —Samuel Coleridge, "Recantation" Theodor Severin Kittelsen, born in Norway in 1857, was a legendary artist and illustrator, made famous mainly by his vivid illustrations to folk- and fairy tales collected by authors Asbjørnsen and Moe, as well as his illustrated book on the Black Plague, published in 1900. If Kittelsen was born a hundred years later, he would surely be sought after as a fantasy illustrator to games and collectibles such as Magic: the Gathering. His style was way ahead of its time, some of his works would undoubtedly fit the theme of dungeons, dragons and decay perfectly. What could be a better backdrop to a tournament theme? The Plague will be the biggest Old School Magic: the Gathering tournament in Norway to date. Set in the epic locale of Spiralen, a cafe and restaurant built on a hilltop overlooking Drammen city, reached by a spiraling tunnel road carved into the...