Winc0n 2022: The Oldschool Magic World Championships

It's a bit weird to think of right now, but there hasn't been a World Championship in Oldschool Magic for three years. The last champion was crowned in 2019, almost a year before the pandemic hit. Martin "Fluffy" Lindström, the 2019 World Champion. When we first started noting n00bcon as "the Oldschool Magic World Championship" in 2010, it was a bit tongue in cheek. We didn't even have players from outside Sweden until n00bcon 6 in 2014, but as the Swedes were pretty much the only people that played Oldschool in the world before then, we figured that we mise well call the main yearly gathering in our home-brewed format The World Championship. Then things started to escalate, and eventually the later n00bcons had around 40 communities represented across twenty or so countries, with qualification tournaments and invites structures and all that Kafkaesque jazz. As the format grew around the world, there were some discussions if we should be the "author...