Top 6 Old School Art Details You Can't Unsee (Even If You Want To)

Merry Hollymas! So there's been a handfull technical issues reported on the blag in the last few months. Text getting too small on desktop, inability to write characters like "$", issues when posting comments, and constant cookie confirmation requests. I suspected this had to do with the theme we used; one that had not been updated for half a decade or so. I assume it is no longer supported by the platform, and as such bugs kept popping up. So I updated the theme to something slightly more supported. To commemorate this sudden change in visual style, we now have an excellent excuse to write a full-on click-bait style listicle. If we can go 14th century Syrian folktale , we most certainly can go Buzzfeed. Let's roll! "Art is in the eye of the beholder" is a popular saying among those unfamiliar with quotes. But instead of arguing the subjectiveness of beauty, I think that it is time to question the beholders. More like beer holders , amirite? I bet more th...