Old School MTG

Provisorisk hemsida för old school (93/94) som är ett casualformat som främst spelas i Sverige och Göteborg.  Här kommer allmän info samlas upp, en uppdaterad ban/restrctionlista samt aktuella pimpwalker points från och med n00bcon 2012.


  1. Hello MG!
    I am sending greetings to you from the future.

    I have decided to read your blog right from the start in summer of 2024.

    I am mostly looking forward to read articles about those intetesting, not well know editions, testing cards etc.

    I wish a nice summer to you and your family.

  2. Jirka (I am not abke to login into comments)

  3. Wow, that will be a long journey with varying quality on the content Jirka! Best of luck, I hope you'll find it more entertaining than boring ;)

    The first couple of months on the blag was btw mostly written by a guy named Christoffer, aka Stalin. I took over the reigns here sometime in the first half of 2012 (content-wise I was mostly active on a Swedish forum before that, as I didn't really foresee the international interest in the format).



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