A matter of some proportions

Ah, Easter week. The most magical week of the year. For well over two decades, my Easters has been synonyms with playing Magic. The GothCon convention has been a fixture in the calendar since the 90s, and in the twelve years counting down to this pandemic, I hosted old school tournaments around this time each year. Maybe again next Easter. But until then, I'll let the people who actually knows how to run online gatherings do their thing, and take my joy in playing instead of organizing. n00bcoM 2 is coming up Friday, and I aim to slay some n00bs. As I was flipping through the binder for n00bcoM tech, I paused at this card: Maybe not the most potent tech to propel me into the top8, but it got me a bit curious about the flavor text (which I had read a thousand times before without thinking too much about). And after verifying that it was indeed the same in my Fourth Edition set, I had to venture out on the internet and look up the Fifth Edition printing: Hehe, yep. The very same fl...