Brothers' Highlander and the casual consistency

Consistency. Wearing my mathematician or developer hat, I'm a big fan. And if I'd put on my engineering hat, I could probably spend an hour writing about subtle yet crucial differences between precision and accuracy. But when it comes to entertainment, consistency isn't always a good thing. One of my go-to examples are Hollywood movies from the years between 1934 and 1958. With the Hays Code in full effect, it's almost impossible to be surprised or provoked by any movie from the "golden age". If you have seen five movies from that era, you've seen them all. That's not to say they're all bad of course; To Kill a Mockingbird, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The Great Dictator and Twelve Angry Men are all great entertainment. But as a rule, movies from that era will play out in a certain way and follow a strict formula. It may be a new song occasionally, but it surely is the same band playing. This is the exception to make the rule. Consistency i...