Singleton Combo, by Emil Thirup-Sorknæs

It's a blazing hot summer in the north. Endless days slowly turn into bright nights. It's the rare season of light, and a strange Wanderlust grabs hold. Though we are not yet to leave. Except to Denmark, according to the sway of society at this time. And if we brace the borders, we might find ourselves in the company of Emil Thirup-Sorknæs, a hero from the south of the north. This is his story of singleton combo. Enjoy! /Mg out So I decided to challenge my own comfort zone and participate in an online Old School tournament this June. None less than the very successful DOOM – I believe it is an acronym for Danish Online Oldschool Magic . Nice acronym! Actually everything about this series of online tournaments seem great with upwards or maybe even above 60 players in the May event. Streams to follow. Great games. Beer and friendly atmosphere with no prices. A great time all in all it seems. So, as I said, I wanted to try it out. For June there were some very specific ba...