Crimps and maildays

Some months seems longer than others. In fact, I'm pretty sure that the first half of March took place about half a year ago. A time when I went to the office to work and before my daughter started talking proper words. And in that before-time, I pulled the trigger on getting a card for the Chaos Orb collection that I'd been eyeing for some time. Usually, it takes about a week for a letter to get across the Atlantic. Maybe two. So the month between March 19 and April 20 with zero updates from the tracker in the middle of the journey was a little tense: Also, the month lasted like fourteen weeks. Then, after some more days in SF the letter apparently arrived in Oslo (where I live), and stayed at the airport for a week before it was sent back across the ocean to New York. Then, silence from New York for a week or two. Going on two months since the letter was posted, at this point I was fairly certain that it had got lost in the shuffle somehow. New York in ...