The n00bcoM top8

So this whole thing was unexpected and awesome. Some personal context. The oldest recurring gaming convention in Sweden is GothCon. Taking place each year during the Easter weekend since 1977, it gathers around 2,000 gamers of board, sheet, figurine and card. Gothcon is something akin to a GenCon of tiny Sweden; if you enjoy your analogue games, GothCon is probably either on your calendar, your to-do list, or in your memory. I went to my first GothCon in 1997. In 2008 I was co-hosting my first Magic event at GothCon; the first "official" 93/94 tournament. It was fun to see our casual format on a stage, but those of us who played thought that, while sweet, it would be even sweeter if we could combine this with drinking and using sailor language. (My sometimes colorful language have, rightly, given me judge warnings in sanctioned tournaments in the past. I hope that I've bettered myself in those contexts - and one clearly shouldn't be trashing to harsh around stra...