4th Edition is a strange set

This, right now, is weird, right? If someone told me during Christmas that, in less than three months, all schools, kindergartens and public offices will close over night; that all the marquee televised events in Europe - including the Eurovision Song Contest and the European Soccer Championship - will be cancelled; that they would close all pubs not only in Oslo where I live but also in the pub capital that is London; that going to any party, much less going over any border, would be forbidden or restricted; and that there would be no Olympics this summer; I would have questioned that persons sanity. Yet, here we are. Weird times. There's really nothing sensible to write about it here. Whenever I get the urge to write something profound or entertaining about the situation, my thoughts wander off to my friends in Italy and dejection overtakes any wit. I'd really like a spoiler season of sorts right now, having a small peek of what things will look like in a month. Right ...