Songs for the Damned

My plans of a "50-60 player nepotism driven n00bcon 12" has bumped a sandbar of sorts. Yesterday I decided to try and actually write down the names of the people I've invited - in proper form via carrier owl or via drunken shout-out - and found myself with a list of 102 names. Well, it's less than the last years at least, so we should have some extra leg room. And the fact that I haven't managed to publish the invite list anywhere yet may cause some long-way travelers to have second thoughts on booking planes, so we might still come out on double digits when the dust is cleared. I'll update the n00bcon webpage before the end of the month. If you are a returning traveler wondering whether or not there's a chair with your name on it, feel free to reach out if you need to know before the next couple of weeks. On that note; Scryings. I've immensely enjoyed the latest tournament reports and set discussions around the blogosphere, trying to pick up som...