Schram's Magic Fest 2019

"MtgUnderground"? Heh. What does that even mean? Is n00bcon - possibly Sweden's largest constructed tournament regardless of format - still something that can even remotely be referred to as "underground"? Is Eternal Weekend, or Fishliver Oil Cup, with their triple digit number of players and vast number of reports, reviews, deck list dissections and threads something that we still consider hidden or rebellious? “ You are not your DCI number. You are not your highest Grand Prix finish. You are not your standard deck. You are not the contents of your trade binder .” — Ali from Cairo We are, after all, not really a niche format anymore in the grand community. These days we represent a notable slice of the cake that is Magic. We are not obscure, but we are certainly not our DCI numbers either. We are casual. We are unsanctioned. We make our own gatherings the way we want to play them - some large and some small - and play in good company. That Ali quote - ...