The n00bcon 11 top16 (+1)
Top8ing the 93/94 World Championship is a special feat, reserved for a particular kind of mage. A testament to both casual and competitive vigor, perhaps unlike any other gathering in the game of Magic. And it doesn't only require some absurd skill with the cards, but also serious endurance. Eighteen hours passed between the door opened and the champion was crowned. With well over 40 communities represented, we had 120 players competing for the Shark at the n00bcon main event. Some blocks away from that, an additional fifty or so mages gathered at a nearby rooftop bar to compete for the last spot in the top8, making the total force fishing for this particular Shark 170 players strong. Apart from the World Championship during Friday, we had old school events running from Wednesday to Sunday; August-93 to PreModern; Ice Age Block to Ante 40K. This was a festival; a tribute to the history of the best game in the world and a gathering of the finest of fools. The very finest. ...