Rhine is on fire: The Raging River Gathering

It is kinda hard to refer to this as "my blog" anymore. In the last few months stories from all over the world have poured in, and the content ownership these days have pretty much transferred to "the global old school community". Even so, this is a special day. Today we give the soap box to Florian von Bredow, a man based in Hannover but with a record of organizing 93/94 tournaments in both Berlin and Stuttgarten. This time, he not only set Rhine on fire but also shares his story of the first proper 93/94 Ante tournament in a couple of decades. Enjoy! /Mg out Hello and lots of Mana to all of you fellow Oldschool-players. For those of you who do not know me, and that may be the majority, I feel like giving a short introduction. As many others, I started playing back in 1994/1995 when MTG hyped the first time. I can remember buying an Arabian Nights Booster for roughly 2.50 DM back then and only buying one because they just contained 8 cards. From the little mo...