Old School Commander

*Rod Serling voice* A word to the wise. Whether their concern be pediatrics or geriatrics, whether they crawl on hands and knees and wear diapers, or walk with a cane and comb their beards: There's a special Magic to the battle royale. An uncanny sensation reserved for the motley crews who engage in its ravaging diplomacies. Our destiny is not to sit in the rubble of our making but to reach out for whatever perfection that is to be had. Submitted for your approval: Mr Dyan de Rochemont. A citzen of Alkmaar walking a path of revelry and invocation few of us dare imagine. And there be Elder Dragons. It is my great pleasure to introduce the musings of Dyan de Rochemont and his stories of 93/94 Commander /Mg out “WAT IS DEZE?!?” 93/94 seems to be thriving. There are tons of reports and pictures out there of masses gathered playing Old School. I couldn’t help but notice that it all seems aimed towards one-versus-one matches. In an era where Commander is immensely popular...