Gathering of the Knights of Thorn III – Tournament Report

Today we have the pleasure to share a guest report from the Netherlands, where the third Gathering of the Knights of Thorn recently took place. Our guide is Richard Veenman, a recently relapsed veteran of old card board. His weapon of choice is Ernham Burn'em, and his battlefield is the largest gathering the quickly growing Dutch community has seen yet. Enjoy, and happy holidays! /Mg out After playing, collecting & selling MtG from 1995 till the summer of 2000 I sold all my cards. it was time to venture into other games, eventually this would be poker. In the years that followed, once every couple of years we would play a booster draft but that was just about it. I loved MtG when I started (just after Ice Age was released) but when the popularity of MtG shifted from "Type 1" to "Type 2" most of the fun was over for me. I never regretted selling all my cards but I never forgot the fun I had playing Type 1 tournaments. those were some sweet memories. A co...