Decks from Fishliver Oil Cup and ranting

The tech at The Camaiore Fishliver Oil cup was plentiful to say the least. The first time since the mid 90s I stared down at a Stone Giant on the other side of the table. And at decks like Matteo's MonoGreen at the table next to me. Damn! The top8 was home to eight distinctly different strategies, though with some preferred card choices among them. Seven decks played blue, and seven decks played red. Six decks had maindeck Lightning Bolts, five decks played Fireball, and five decks played Mishra's Factory. But in the eyes of most, this is what we would call a very diverse top8. In other places in Europe though, there has been some voices raised about the perceived dominance of The Deck in the last couple of weeks. The Deck took five spots in the top8 at the European Eternal Weekend , as well as five spots in the top8 at Ovino XI . This has in turn led to some resentment towards The Deck, and new rallies for restrictions. And in some cases animosity towards The Deck play...