Bantam-Geddon at Eternal Central

I've got some sweet pictures and new decks-to-beat from the tournament at Playoteket in Scania. I'll post them soon, but first, I'd like to give a quick shout out to Jason Jaco from Chicago. Old School Magic have grown quite a bit during the last year, and groups of veteran players have begun to explore the origins of Magic again in different areas scattered across the globe. Yesterday, the first Old School article by Jaco was posted at Eternal Central. The "Chicago house rules" allows unrestricted Strip Mine, and the article is a sweet deck tech about UWG Ehrnamgeddon with 4-off Strips. Check it out! Introducing & Explaining Bantam-Geddon As a side note, it took me about a week before I got annoyed by the ad banners I put up. During that time, I got about $5 from them, but in order to make ads generate any money, apparently you have to make them really intrusive. I removed them again, as I felt ads aren't in the spirit of the blog. If you want to gi...