Decks to beat and some notes from Moss
Last weekend a group of mages gathered at CrowCon to fight for that glorious Moss Monster again.
Last year, former World Champion and co-founder of the format Kalle Nord took down the fight. This time, it was the 2015/2016 rookie of the year (and first Norwegian to play in an old school tournament) Thomas Nilsen who claimed the Moss Monster. Dude's on a really impressive run. He wrote an awesome tournament report from his second place finish in Drammen a month earlier btw, check it out if you haven't :)
The last opponent for Thomas this time was Erland with his MonoBlack deck. Erland has been on an insane run as well, and is currently ranked #3 in the PWP standings after Martin Berlin and Thomas himself. Erlands average finish from his tournaments since last winter is something like 2nd. This while playing a monoblack deck, occasionally sporting cards like Kormus Bell, and playing Su-Chis over Juzam Djinns. He also spearheads the community in Drammen, organizing the gatherings and such, and is a really nice guy. Hope to get a short deck tech or interview with him in the not to distant future.
Anyways, here are 18 "decks to beat" from the last three gatherings in Stockholm, Drammen, and Moss. Enjoy!
Drammen #2 93/94 Top8
22 participants, photos of 7/8 decks. The second gathering in Drammen this year showed some sweet tech. For the first time in a Norwegian tournament, a control deck ended up on top. The winning deck played no less than three Tetravus in its 75, one of the only creatures unaffected by both The Abyss and Moat. Other decks in the the top8 include Sligh, Troll Disco, Tax Edge, WR Midrange and a Gauntlet/Fork deck.
From Russia with Love Top8
25 participants, photos of 7/8 decks. This international gathering in Stockholm hosted guests from Russia, USA and Norway. The top8 was decided on 93/94 cube drafting, but we'll still provide the constructed decks that took the players to the elimination rounds here. Yet again we have eight very different archetypes in the final eight; Party Crasher, Tropic Thunder, The Deck, Machine Head Beats, Arabian Aggro, Parfait, Fork Ponza, and ErhnamGeddon.
CrowCon 2016 Top4
15 participants, photos of 4/4 decks. Once again players gathered to fight for the glorious Moss Monster in the city of Moss. MonoBlack and Troll Disco faced off in the finals, leaving Lestree Zoo and an impressive Crimson Disco in semis.
Some solid tech right there. In two weeks I'm flying down to Italy to play 93/94 at the Fishliver Oil Cup close to Pisa btw. It's the first time ever I travel with plane to play Magic. I feel a much bigger pull to play something like this than I do to a GP or some huge convention. This looks like exactly my kind of tournament. And three weeks after the Fishliver Oil Cup, it's time for the glorious 7th annual BSK tournament in Borås! Hope to see a bunch of you there :)
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The Machine vs WW. |
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The Master of Magic Cards. |
Anyways, here are 18 "decks to beat" from the last three gatherings in Stockholm, Drammen, and Moss. Enjoy!
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Audun's Crimson Disco. |
22 participants, photos of 7/8 decks. The second gathering in Drammen this year showed some sweet tech. For the first time in a Norwegian tournament, a control deck ended up on top. The winning deck played no less than three Tetravus in its 75, one of the only creatures unaffected by both The Abyss and Moat. Other decks in the the top8 include Sligh, Troll Disco, Tax Edge, WR Midrange and a Gauntlet/Fork deck.
From Russia with Love Top8
25 participants, photos of 7/8 decks. This international gathering in Stockholm hosted guests from Russia, USA and Norway. The top8 was decided on 93/94 cube drafting, but we'll still provide the constructed decks that took the players to the elimination rounds here. Yet again we have eight very different archetypes in the final eight; Party Crasher, Tropic Thunder, The Deck, Machine Head Beats, Arabian Aggro, Parfait, Fork Ponza, and ErhnamGeddon.
CrowCon 2016 Top4
15 participants, photos of 4/4 decks. Once again players gathered to fight for the glorious Moss Monster in the city of Moss. MonoBlack and Troll Disco faced off in the finals, leaving Lestree Zoo and an impressive Crimson Disco in semis.
Some solid tech right there. In two weeks I'm flying down to Italy to play 93/94 at the Fishliver Oil Cup close to Pisa btw. It's the first time ever I travel with plane to play Magic. I feel a much bigger pull to play something like this than I do to a GP or some huge convention. This looks like exactly my kind of tournament. And three weeks after the Fishliver Oil Cup, it's time for the glorious 7th annual BSK tournament in Borås! Hope to see a bunch of you there :)
Thanks for compiling and sharing Mg!
SvaraRaderaThanks man :)
RaderaIn Crimson Disco, what's the card between the mountain and Strip Mine?
SvaraRaderaHammerheim ;)
RaderaBEWARE OF CHINESE PROXIES. Lots of 93-94 fakes. Search for "villa zheng" on google and youtube, and always double check cards you know exist in black core proxy already. Never buy cards without removing all sleeves too.